Love Loud Remix

2022-07-12T15:16:05+00:00January 12th, 2018|Audio, Press Release|

To LOVE LOUD is to recognize and encourage the best within each other and ourselves. It’s about choosing kindness through our everyday actions. "Calling out, this is a shout gonna raise my voice and my head up proud..." Melodic Caring Project Founder [...]

MCP Launching in the UK

2022-07-12T15:21:53+00:00September 20th, 2017|Press Release|

After nearly a decade of streaming live music to seriously ill children in hospitals across the United States, the Melodic Caring Project is humbled and honored to announce it is expanding its services to the United Kingdom. "We absolutely believe in what Melodic Caring Project [...]


2022-07-12T15:24:35+00:00June 22nd, 2017|rockSTAR, RockStar Letters|

The POWER of FAITH By rockSTAR Faith Murray "My purpose on earth is to let the world know..." Have you ever been sick or in pain? What things make you feel better? For me it's ALWAYS listening to music. Music helps remind me that it's going to get [...]

Birth of rockSTARstories

2022-07-12T15:26:22+00:00June 6th, 2017|rockSTAR|

Birth of #rockSTARstories By Melodic Caring Project It was a moment…only a moment. Something sparked. What started as an interview grew into something…magical. For young rockSTAR, Mckindree Patton, a storm had wiped away the crops she worked so hard to plant. She wanted to be a professional [...]

rockSTAR Review: Gala 2017

2022-07-12T16:32:06+00:00March 20th, 2017|rockSTAR|

Cassidy Huff Honorary Development Director & rockSTAR Hey Melodic Caring Project Supporters! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Cass and I'm fourteen years old. I am Melodic Caring's Honorary Development Director, as well as a rockSTAR! I've been a rockSTAR for about four years and I've [...]


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