By rockSTAR Faith Murray
“My purpose on earth is to let the world know…”
Have you ever been sick or in pain? What things make you feel better? For me it’s ALWAYS listening to music. Music helps remind me that it’s going to get better. That’s why I love Melodic Caring Projects vision.
For those who don’t know me, my name is Faith Murray and I am 13 years old.
I have a rare bone disease called Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis, and I am one of MCP’s rockstars! I found out about Melodic Caring Project (MCP) through a child life specialist at the hospital when I was having a hard time with my disease. She told me that MCP streams live concerts to hospital rooms for kids of all ages (they call Rockstars) and that during the concert, the musician (they call them the #1 Fans) will give each kid a personal shout out! Their goal is to lift spirits and let kids know they are not alone as they battle tough illnesses.
The first concert I did with them, was their Jason Mraz concert with Raining Jane. My family and I were all really excited to see what Melodic Caring Project was all about. I can not even explain the excitement that was in the room. It was so incredible to hear someone on stage that knows your name and then dedicates a song to you. When I experienced it personally, it was like a huge weight was lifted from me and my heart just soared!
I forgot about the pain for awhile and just enjoyed the music. It was a pretty magical night.
Since then, I have learned how hard the Melodic Caring Project team and founders, Levi and Stephanie Ware, work. They really want to help the kids and families who are struggling and give it their all. They have helped over 1000+ rockstars. Think about it, that’s over 1000 times pain and fear were taken away from families. That’s because MCP is AMAZING!
My experience with them, as a rockSTAR and as a friend, is something I will never forget. I will be forever grateful for MCP!
With deep love and gratitude,
Faith Murray, MCP’s biggest #1 fan
I am Faith Murray and I am 13 years old…
If people heard that they would be like, “oh she sounds nice,” and want to be my friends…
But then they meet me…
I am in a wheelchair with a smile and light to share…
They see me…
And I see them…
Their face shows confusion and just a little bit of fear…
I can tell it’s because of my disease…
It’s hard for me to think of myself as different from everybody else…
I still think I am as normal as can be…
Maybe they are the ones that are different…
Some people think I fake it…
They just don’t get it…
No one would choose to be in a wheelchair for almost half of their life…
Sometimes I like to think my disease gives me super powers…
Like when someone is walking by I can tell what they’re feeling…
This is really easy for me when I’m around other kids with disabilities…
School is hard for me…
When you are in a wheelchair at MIDDLE SCHOOL!
It’s not like you can hide it…
No, you are the one that stands out of the crowd…
You’re the one that can’t walk and get the supplies you need that are only 6ft away…
You are the one that is annoyingly asking someone for their help…
That is the one thing I can not see…
I can’t tell sometimes if the people that are helping me, really are kind…
Or they’re just being the fake kind…
I hope that it’s the real one…
I have few friends…
And have had a few decide not to be my friends anymore…
My Mom says they’re all going through things that I’ve already gone through…
That I have already found who I am…
I have already gone through pain and suffering and learned important lessons…
I know that I would never put anyone else through what I have experienced…
I hope their lessons are easier…
I am not the kind of person who judges or gossips about other people…
I am the one talking to the person in the corner…
I am the one who doesn’t stare at people with disabilities…
I am the one, they call Faith…
People say I’m strong…
Sometimes I will laugh…
Other times I will smile a gentle smile and deeply thank them…
I don’t understand why it’s just me they say that to…
I feel everybody deserves to be told that they are strong…
I feel everyone is their own super hero even if they don’t know it…
My purpose on earth is to be the one to let the world know…
that each person is strong, and capable of doing things they would have never dreamed…
I am Faith Murray…
your little 13 year old girl in a wheelchair that keeps reaching for the stars…