Upon arrival to the Fox Studio in Los Angeles, we were prepped and ready to go, all we needed was Apl.de.ap to work his magic on the 101 freeway during rush hour. The clock was ticking and a decision had to be made- Does Levi go live on the air with his wife Stephanie or will Apl.de.ap make it in time…”Stephanie? Get ready” the producer said “You guys are on in less than 30 seconds.” The microphone and makeup flew on in enough time to make it to the stage for the count down- 3- 2- 1.

Literally moments after the interview with Christine Devine and Jeff Michael had ended, word hit the news room that Apl.de.ap had just pulled up. A sigh erupted. He just missed it! Then Apl.de.ap worked his magic on the newsroom just as he did on the 101 fwy and Fox scheduled a few more minutes at the end of the show to fit him and his foundation in- YAY! So instead of one segment, everybody lucked out we got two instead. I love it when a plan comes together 😉

Los Angeles Local News | FOX 11 LA KTTV

Los Angeles Local News | FOX 11 LA KTTV