Good to Be Home
Written by Levi Ware
Good to Be Home
Written by Levi Ware
Check out our Shalom Fundraiser Recap Video

May 2024. By Levi Ware | Executive Director/Co-Founder
Good To Be Home!
This month The Melodic Caring Project held our first fundraising event right here in our beautiful Skagit Valley. It felt incredible to gather friends, family and our local community to celebrate our Mount Vernon roots.
Check out our Shalom Fundraiser Recap Video

May 2024. By Levi Ware | Executive Director/Co-Founder
Good To Be Home!
This month The Melodic Caring Project held our first fundraising event right here in our beautiful Skagit Valley. It felt incredible to gather friends, family and our local community to celebrate our Mount Vernon roots.
It warmed our hearts to reconnect with rockSTAR Tucker’s family and remember their journey and the role Melodic played in helping them through some of their toughest days. Tucker’s family is from right here in the Skagit Valley as well so this was truly a beautiful hometown reunion.
Gathering community to surround our rockSTAR families in love and support is what MCP is all about. It was wonderful to come together and celebrate Tucker’s strength and resilience.

“There are people thinking of us; we’re not isolated, we’re not stuck in this room. And that’s when I realized, Melodic Caring Project is providing the good moments…”
~ Toby, rockSTAR Tucker’s Dad
This all happened because of 4 incredible Mount Vernon Christian School students who chose MCP as the recipient of their Junior class Shalom project.
It’s with huge thanks that we recognize Grace, Emerson, Kayla and Ruthie for choosing to support our mission and provide connection, joy and hope to our rockSTAR families!

Our True Fans are growing! Help us reach our fiscal year-end goal of 100 True Fans by the end of June!
We only need 8 more to reach our goal! From 5 to now 92 True Fans 👏 we’ve been able to grow our sustainable revenue from $1,500 annually to now over $37,000!
Each new sign-up puts us one-fan-closer to achieving our Sustainability Campaign goal of finding 1,000 True Fans. WHY? If we can find 1,000 Fans to give as little as $1/day we will finally have 💯% sustainability to support our mission and the kids and families we serve.
Choose to Give Ongoing + Join our MCP Fan Club.
Help us reach our goal of finding 1,000 True Fans.
For only $1/day YOU can sponsor one rockSTAR patient for a year and help Melodic Caring Project become sustainable, keeping our programs free for the patients and families we serve. Our goal is to find 1,000 True Fans to champion our mission. Will you help us?
MCP True Fan Club.
★ Super Fan Status