The Joy of Saying Goodbye

Newsletter – July 2023

MCP News.

If you’ve been part of MCP for any length of time you know how we value developing longterm relationships with our rockSTARS. The gift of getting to know a family over the course of years is something we treasure deeply. Being invited on their journey as they courageously navigate the uncertainties and share their experiences is both humbling and inspiring. We love standing with them through these times.


As wonderful as getting to know them is, sometimes saying goodbye is even sweeter. When the rockSTARS, after years of struggle, finally reach a place where they are ready to move on from their illness and embrace all that the future holds in store for them, when they are forever grateful for Melodic but no longer need our support and encouragement- then we get to send them off with huge smiles and full hearts for all that’s in store for them. This was recently the case with a rockSTAR family we’ve been supporting since Feb of 2019. After 4 years and hundreds of shared programs and memories, we tearfully and joyfully wish them well on the next chapter of their journey. In the words of their rockSTAR mom:
“We have had many discussions as of late to how to move forward from this chapter of our lives. As difficult as this decision was, they can both confidently say they have gained so much love and support from their MCP sessions and that’s a huge testament to you and MCP.
We are so incredibly thankful for you all and your constant support for us during our daughter’s sickness. Every Wednesday, MCP provided such a source of comfort, respite, and fun for our kids throughout treatment and post-treatment. Even during the pandemic, it was an invaluable source of stability during such an uncertain time. And most importantly of all, it helped them find their voice again and no words can adequately express our thanks.” ~ rockSTAR mom
Thank you for standing with us to make these connections and relationships possible.


We appreciate you,

The latest from our music therapist.

Summer is in full swing and so is our music therapy programming here at MCP! July has been a terrific month of music and connection. Our 1:1 Music Therapy Sessions continue to create a safe space for new and returning rockSTARS to express their emotions and find joy through music opportunities. Throughout our Weekly Group Music + Art Therapy Sessions this month, we have been discussing the topic of courage and what being courageous looks like within our individual journeys. We also had the pleasure of being joined by Rockologist Naomi Wachira for a special session. Naomi not only entertained us with her incredible musical talent, but also inspired our rockSTARS to recognize the immense courage, strength, and uniqueness within themselves. We strive to help our rockSTARS see just how incredible they are, and its music experiences like this one that remind our rockSTAR patients and families that they are seen, loved and valued.

If you or someone you know is interested in receiving support, sign-up today! You can also email me directly ([email protected]) if you have additional questions or need further assistance.

rockSTAR Natasha watching from Sheffield


Our programs are FREE to all patients and families through the generosity of individual donors, foundations, corporate giving and sponsorships.